Friday, June 26, 2009

Farrah Facett and Michael Jackson Died

Today started out just like any other day. The grandchildren came running over to my house to give me a smile and one of their morning hugs. Things went smoothly for the most part, but than of course I found myself reading something that completely upset me.
I tried to keep it to myself because I am the type that normally would be first to speak up, and I just did not want to get involved with this topic. I thought I would rattle on about it on the blog. As everyone knows Michael Jackson and Farrah Facett passed away. People are so fast to bring up evil about others. We all know that Michael has had his share of issues in the past and ended up in court over it all. For some reason people on the jury said not guilty. I am not the judge and I am truly glad I am not the One True Judge over All Things.
I believe that people need to STOP. What is wrong with people today. There are three children that are hurting as they lost their father. Like it or not, Micheal is gone and can not hurt over your words of hatred or gossip. The family hurts no matter what he may or may not have done in his past, why hurt innocent children. I truly believe that all you that are slamming a dead man is no better than the one you claimed has hurt children, because your hurting children too. However, these children lost the only parent that has been active in there lives for years.

It is time to let it rest. If these boys were victims, than your hurting them yourselves by not letting this issue rest. Guilty or not, it is time to let healing begin.
One day the truth will be knowm and on that day we may all be surprised. However, I do believe in waiting upon the Lord, his judgement is forever. Who will he find guilty? Let the family have its time to mourn.

As for Farrah,
Those of us that remember Farrah as an actoress remember her as a very pretty lady and a very good actoress. I know cancer is painful and to tell you that she no longer suffers from cancer, will not heal your pain. I know that so I can only say that my prayers are with you and your family.

God Bless These Families with Peace and Comfort in this time of need. If anyone happens to be reading this message that knows any child going through a death of a loved one Remember This: The Lord says, He will be the father to the fatherless...
Those are not exact words, but when I told my three year old grand-daughter when she cried because my son left his wonderful wife with four small children for another woman that would not let him have anything to do with his children. This brings peace because she knows that she has one daddy that is busy and the other daddy that walks, sleeps, sits by here and is by her side always even when she can not see him. It has brought healing for all the children as they have a Chair at the Table for the Lord to sit with them and they make sure their mother makes room on the bench at church for the Lord to sit with them.

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